Below is a selection of prices for our most commonly used services. All prices are inclusive of VAT.
If the service you require is not listed please get in touch. We are extremely flexible and can generally accommodate most situations and are always happy to give an individual quote so please message or email or call 020 3743 9247 / 07957 585 175 for an individual price.
1 Dog
Prices most pop services
Group walk £16 (1hr) M-F
Adventure Day £32
Solo walk £22 (1hr)
Evening / w/e £23 (1hr)
Daycare £42 (10-4)
Boarding £45 (per day) (£50 for non walking/daycare clients)
Boarding £48 (existing clients24 hours or less)
House sitting from £65
Sitting £18 (multiple hours - minimum 3 hours)
2 Dogs
Prices of most popular services
Group walk £24 (1hr)
Solo walk £25
Evening / weekend £26
Daycare £62
Boarding £65 (per day)
House sitting from £65
Sitting £18 (multiple hours - minimum 3 hours)
Prices of most popular services
Puppy visit lunch £20 (1hr)
Puppy visit eve / w/e £23 (1hr)
Daycare £42
Boarding £45 (per day)
House sitting from £65
Sitting £18 (multiple hours - minimum 3 hours)
1-2 Cats
Prices of most popular services
Am only visit £16
Pm only visit £17
2 visits per day £31
Public Holidays £30 single visit / £45 2 visits per day
Each additional cat £3 per visit / Garden watering from £3
House sitting from £65
PLEASE NOTE: Bank holidays and Christmas dates are charged at a slightly higher rate – please contact us for more info.
For further details of our charges, including cancellation rates, please see general terms and conditions.