Using our services
1. First of all you get in touch
- whether it’s an online enquiry
- an email
- a phone call – 020 3743 9247 / 07957 585 175
- facebook:
- whatever works for you!
2. Then we find out a bit more about your pets and what you need from us. If we can help, great! We take some more details through an online form so we can get an idea of the best person to help. (And if we can’t help, we’ll do our very best to point you in the right direction for some great pet care.)
3. Then we meet you and your pets. For dog boarding, we want you to visit where your dog will be staying. For other services, we come and meet you in your home so you can show us where things are – where the lead’s kept, where the pet food is etc etc.
4. And if everyone’s happy, then we begin providing the service.
That’s it! We keep in touch regularly to provide updates, share information about your pets, but hopefully this is the beginning of a great relationship.
We’re a team and we pride ourselves on having clients for many years and we’re there to help and support you and your pet whatever your changing needs.
We’re always looking at ways to improve what we do and we always welcome feedback.